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04-04-11 Public Works Committee
Richard D. Woycik, Chair
Daniel Amaral
James S. Belden
Kathy Fetchick
        Legislative Council Public Works Sub Committee
Minutes for Meeting of April 4, 2011

Attendees: Daniel Amaral, James Belden, Kathy Fetchick, Richard D. Woycik
Town Department Representatives present: George Benson, Donna Culbert and John Poeltl.

Richard Woycik, Chair, opened the meeting at 12:30 PM.

Public Participation: No members of the public were in attendance.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Land Use Departrment, Newtown Health District and Building Department requests for the 2011-2012 Budget.

The meeting began with approval of Minutes for the March 28, 2011 committee meeting.

Mr. Woycik commented to start the meeting that he questioned why the Public Works Budget request included $5,000 for Overtime when the current year actual was less than $25,000. Members Fetchik and Belden commented that the actual number was likely inaccurate due pending transfers from winter maintenance and past years had been more like $50,000 to $60,000.

Mr. Woycik began the interview of Land Use Director Benson asking what the staffing details were regarding the responsibilities of the full time and part time Zoning Enforcement Officers. It was described that the positions help with many daily tasks. Having both positions allowed the Director and Deputy Director to pursue many other activities including grants, legal issues and the development of the Plan of Conservation and Development. IN the past the Town has paid a considerable amount to consultants to complete many tasks, in particular the POCD. This year the department has also been very involved with legal issues surrounding the Hawleyville railroad transfer station issue, United Water and other development proposals.

Grants and programs currently being undertaken also include the Safe Route to Schools program and Hazard Mitigation Planning grants.

Asked by Mr. Woycik what would be in jeopardy if a position was cut and Mr. Benson stated that several things may be impacted but the first for sure would be the POCD process.

The question of Contractual Services was made as to why there was an increase from this year’s actual of about $24,000, Mr. Benson replied that $22,000 of that was the USGS contract for stream gages on the Pootatuck River which were installed during the recent Aquifer Study. MS. Fetchik asked why we needed to have these. Mr. Benson replied that the agreement was due to contractual obligations surrounding the Town’s water wells and also served an important role regarding flooding, United Water well withdrawals and environmental monitoring.

Mr. Woycik asked why it was under Land Use. It was then discussed that it was placed there during negotiations as many of the issues the monitoring is used for are under the direction of the LUD.

MR. Benson stated that they have done well increasing services and taking on more obligations with little increase in expenses and labor costs.

Mr. Belden asked how the poor economy impacts that Department. Mr. Benson stated that makes them busier in many ways. There are more enforcement issues, more need for grants and although new building is down the applications and planning remain significant. Responsibility for new programs and regulatory requirements have not decreased.

Ms. Culbert of the Health District was introduced and Mr. Woycik asked for more information about what the role of the District is. Ms. Culbert described the responsibilities and composition of the District, which includes Bridgewater and Roxbury.

Mr. Woycik asked about the staffing positions. Ms. Culbert explained that there is a medical advisor and two Assistant Sanitarians and a Food Service person. WOycik asked why two Assistant Sanitarians and Culbert replied that the second was brought in with the expansion to Bridgewater and Roxbury and was required by statute as a Full Time employee. Also stated was that being a regional District they were eligible for many more grants and other benefits as an organization. Also stated was that the District model is a growing phenomenon and this District is in a great position as things move forward.

Asked by Mr. Woycik about contractual longevity costs and Ms. Culbert replied that the Sanitarians are the only eligible ones.

When asked about the impact of the economy, Ms. CUlbert responded that although the work was different it was just as busy. For example instead of new septic review there is much in the way of ongoing inspections, enforcement and other activities. Also that regardless of increasing health insurance costs plaguing departments, they are managing to stay flat. There are also costs involved with maintaining CEU certifications for staff. The investment of developing this well trained staff would make it very hard to reduce staff and to replace them when needed.

Ms. Fetchik asked if CEU’s are required for all staff. Ms. Culbert said that they are not required for all, but most.

Lastly Ms. Culbert emphasized how hard they worked to submit a flat Budget that delivers the best services to the Town.

Mr. Poeltl of the Building Department was asked to begin describing their situation. He stated that first and foremost they have continued the best they can after losing a staff position in last year’s Budget. He also stated that work has increased in many ways due to Town projects, such as the High School expansion, despite the fact that those projects do not show up as typical activity or as a revenue source.

Mr. Poeltl stated that despite the poor economy there is significant new commercial activity on the horizon. An additional aspect of their work is the significant amount of unpermitted work being done on existing buildings. The staff must spend considerable investigating these, some of which can lead to additional revenues of caught in time.

Concluding the review, Mr. Woycik suggested that although there were no easy decisions due to impact of cuts, he did feel there were areas of cost that the Committee could recommend. These included the part-time Land Use position and some overtime accounts in Highway and Parks Departments. Also stating that by removing these expenses management would have to be more creative and thus help increase productivity and efficiency.

Ms. Fetchik during the group discussion of labor and productivity issues stated that this was a good and fair Budget request from these departments, but agreed that in the long term we should have a plan for greater input into labor negotiations. Mr. Woycik stated that the Council should be included earlier in that process so that its hands are not tied when it comes to making financial decisions due to constraints of labor contracts. Mr. Belden agreed that there should be a plan and one that is coordinated with all labor negotiations, rather than taking them one at a time, where we bargain with specific issues that we feel are most important. However, the issues of certain benefits, longevity bonuses and work hour limits are the primary issues, and since those are at the very core of organized labor and its stronghold, they would be difficult negotiating points.

Mr. Woycik suggested reduction in several Overtime and Maintenance accounts in DPW and Parks & Recreation Budgets totaling $42,200, including Landfill $4,000, Highway $20,000, Public Building Maintenance- $1,500, and in P&R’s Overtime- $3,000, Education- $2,000 and Maintenance - $1,700.

Discussion of the items ensued with Mr. Amaral agreeing with the concept, but Fetchik and Belden not sure the cuts were realistic and would not lead to very visible and meaningful impacts to residents. Mr. Belden stated that the Highway overtime item may be at $45,000, but had been more like $60,000 in past years, understanding that this year’s actual of $23,000 did not include several transfer waiting to happen. Also, that cutting such items after a manager made an effort to come in with a lower number would not be prudent when we are asking for honest Budget requests from the start. Other concerns included the impact of cutting P&R overtime and its affect on availability of park facilities to residents.

Ms. Fetchik made a motion, seconded by Mr. Belden, to accept the Budget request as is for all departments. The motion failed two to two. Belden and Fetchik, Yay. Woycik and Amaral, No.

After further discussion Mr. Woycik suggested a second Motion to accept the Budget requests if the Committee would pass along the recommendation to include a statement that describes the consternation of pursuing financial savings for the Town while constrained by contractual obligations. The Committee discussed the wording of such a statement and the following motion was prepared and voted on:
"The Public Works Committee recommends, as proposed, the Budget requests for Town of Newtown Departments under its review,~including #460 Building Department, #500 Highway Department, #510 Winter Maintenance, #515 Landfill, #650 Public Building Maintenance, #710 Carpool, #110 Social Services, #220 Commission on Aging, #370 Newtown Health District, #375 Tick Action Committee, #490 Land Use and #550 Parks~& Recreation. The recommendation is submitted with a statement that the Committee feels,~due to constraints inherent to contracts currently in place,~it is very limited in its ability to effectively create additional savings for the taxpayers of Newtown in several~areas of the Budget without unacceptable impacts~on Town services to residents."
The Motion passed unanimously by~Members Amaral, Belden, Fetchick and Woycik.

Mr. Woycik stated that he would present the recommendation at the Finance Committee meeting the next evening.

The meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted by James Belden, Secretary